ED SHEERAN, get in my bed, babe! ; EXAMPLE! i'm so going to go to his concert in april.. (i love living near London, everyone is playing there :D ) ; Professor Green.. awesomeness! ; That I saw one of my favourite characters of the current skins generation; ..and yeah, that was basically it.
dislike with passion
rascist chavy bitches, who think they have to call me names because i try to get to my kids.. i'm their guardian for fucks sake! just let me do my job! ;; the organisation - really, the crowd has to scream until someone realises that someone passed out at one end of the hall? ;; that professor green only stayed for one song :(
my conclusion:
WOAAARH! okay, there is so much stuff i disliked with passion ( hate is such a strong word! :D) but after I saw Professor Green I was pretty sure that my 40 quid were well spent.. and after Ed Sheeran played I was more than overwhelmed. I didn't think it could get any better until someone said 'Example is going to be the closing act'. We already saw Example with Wretch32 earlier and thought that this would be his only song.. but well, we got another five songs!
I cried, I screamt, I laughed, I danced, I nearly passed out.. all at the same time. Example was just.. awesome. I have no words for that.
Despite the fact, that this day was awesome and I really enjoyed it, I wouldn't go again. I would rather spent more money to see a whole concert of the acts I like than stand in a crowd where you can hardly move just to hope that they're going to play more than 2 songs.
hey... super schönen blog hast du..
AntwortenLöschenwirklich sehr interessant :)
wenn du lust hast, kannst du auch gerne einmal bei mir vorbei schauen..
habe erst ein super X-MAS GEWINNSPIEL gestartet..
vielleicht magst du ja mitmachen ;)
mina :)